This is not the same formula used to calculate iqs today. Each of the five factors is given a weight and the combined. Iq score = mental age/chronological age multiplied by 100 (ma/ca x 100). Soon, the test was so popular that robert yerkes, the president of the american psychological association, decided to use it in developing. Iq range (deviation iq) iq classification.
Britannica. In the first stanford binet intelligence test which was completed in 1905, there were 30 questions, which were in different. Very gifted or highly advanced. Has an iq of 140 (7÷5 × 100). A score of 100, where the mental age equals the chronological age, is average.
Tests are grouped into age levels ranging from age two to. Then, 13 would be divided by 10, and the result would be multiplied by 100 to get the final score. University of washington. Clearly, wais iq was higher for all individuals, exact probability < 10 −22 , and the mean difference of 16. 7 points was significant, t (73) = 24. 4. The scale consisted of 30 problems assessing language, auditory and visual processing, learning and memory, and judgment and problem solving.
Am j psychol. Both verbal and nonverbal responses are measured. Content and psychometrics.